Tuesday, January 19, 2016

1.0 Argumentative Essay Overview

Student outcomes: By the end of this unit, students will be able to...
  • Write an argumentative thesis statement 1) that clearly indicates the intended audience, purpose, and organization of their essay and 2) that is debatable, specific, and focused.
  • Integrate at least three different persuasive strategies or types of evidence in their writing (including "answering the opposition")
  • Create an outline of an argumentative essay that effectively incorporates opposing arguments and refutations
  • Develop effective supporting details for their arguments using coherent "PIE" structure
  • Create an essay with formal academic tone
  • Create effective introduction and conclusion paragraphs for an argumentative essay
  • Integrate at least two sources as evidence for their arguments by summarizing, paraphrasing, or quoting without plagiarism.

Assignment description: Students will submit a 2-3 page argumentative essay that responds to the essay question given in the Diagnostic Exam. The purpose of this assignment and unit is two-fold: 1) to review important topics from ESL 111 (such as thesis, paragraph/essay structure, coherence, introduction and conclusion) with more depth and width and 2) to apply what students learned from rhetorical analysis assignments to their own argumentative writing (i.e. to progress from examining others' arguments in light of strategies that authors employ to persuade their audiences to creating their own argument keeping particular rhetorical situation in mind). Students will be guided to revise their first draft, which they will write on the Diagnostic Exam day, throughout the unit and the final draft should include the following key elements: a thesis stated as a clear position on a debatable issue, arguments supported by sufficient and relevant evidence (at least two sources), refutation of opposing positions.

Possible outside sources for the diagnostic essay topic:
Please search online/in the library for outside sources.

Student Assignment Prompt
Grading Rubric

Sample argumentative essays:
Student sample

Writer's Help 2.0 Resources:


  1. In a argument program this is very important that to give the current information and clearly sound as the commentator and the opposite party can understand what you want to say. You find here more tips on debating.

  2. Essay writing is an academic activity that aims to hone students’ writing skills. With its complex process, writing essays enables the writer to explore a topic in depth.
